IX Congreso Nacional SETOC

Abstracts Regulations


El Comité científico de la SCLECARTO le invita a participar en el congreso, una oportunidad para el intercambio de conocimientos y experiencias. Esperamos recibir sus comunicaciones para su selección como comunicación oral o cartel científico.

Como todos los años, se concederán premios a las mejores comunicaciones y al mejor cartel científico.

Terms of use

1. Creation, editing, cancellation and submission of abstracts:

- The following data of the authors are essential for sending papers: ID card or passport, name, surname and e-mail address.

- A submitted paper cannot be deleted.

- On 25th February 2022 at 23.59 the submission system will close automatically. On this date all submissions will be considered as received and will be passed on for evaluation.

2. Personal information (e-mail).

Please check that your e-mail address is correct, as it will be used to contact you after the evaluation process.

3. Publication of communications.

By submitting this form, you authorise SETOC the right to use your communications on the company's website.

4. Data Protection.

The personal data collected will be incorporated and processed in a file registered in the General Data Protection Register of the Spanish Data Protection Agency. SETOC is responsible for the file. The use of personal data will be confidential and will be used exclusively for the management of communications made by the organisation, and will not be used for any other purpose. The interested party may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by writing to the technical secretariat. Your request shall be effective from the moment it is received and until you state otherwise.

5. Intellectual Property.

SETOC reserves all rights of publication and use of all or part of the communications sent, and the author therefore assigns his/her intellectual property rights to SETOC. This assignment includes the rights of dissemination and publication of their scientific activity and are considered to be assigned exclusively, free of charge and without limit of time, language or geographical area.

The assignment is made in such circumstances given the condition of the assignee as a non-profit scientific entity, and authorising it to disseminate and transmit the results in any type of medium, without any limitation whatsoever.
Instrucciones de envío

Las comunicaciones se enviarán a través del gestor de comunicaciones online.

Primero se crea un borrador de comunicación que le permite editar el contenido y modificar los autores tantas veces como desee antes de enviar la comunicación. Pero una comunicación no se considerará enviada hasta que haga clic en el botón enviar. A partir de entonces no podrá modificar o eliminar la comunicación. Y la comunicación estará lista para ser evaluada por el Comité Científico.

Una comunicación puede tener varios autores.

IMPORTANTE: artículos o casos clínicos presentados previamente en un Congreso SCLECARTO no se podrán enviar como presentación al congreso.

IMPORTANTE: todas las comunicaciones deberán especificar el conflicto de intereses

Tenga en cuenta lo siguiente, de lo contrario su resumen podría no ser seleccionado para su revisión.

• El texto se escribirá directamente on-line.

• No escriba todo el texto en mayúsculas.

• El texto y el título deben estar libres de abreviaturas, excepto las utilizadas comúnmente. Debe abordar de manera concisa el problema y el propósito del estudio.

• Título: mínimo 3 palabras / máximo 20 palabras.

• El número máximo de palabras para toda la comunicación es de 350

• Todas las comunicaciones estarán estructuradas en: (ver descriptivo apartado de estructura comunicaciones)



       Material y Método



       Conflicto de intereses.

• Todas las comunicaciones se enviarán escritas en español.

• El número máximo de autores incluido el autor principal es de 6

• No se aceptarán comunicaciones orales que no presenten resultados claros.

• No se adjuntarán ni incluirán tablas o figuras.

• No están permitidas las abreviaturas en el título y se deberá explicar en su primera aparición en el texto.

• En el título no aparecerán marcas de implantes o nombres comerciales de medicamentos.

Submission of Abstracts and Posters
        □ Free communication
        □ Poster:
    One of the authors must be a member of the CVHH.
    The abstract must have a maximum of 250 words.
    The abstract for both oral communications and posters must include introduction, objectives, material and method, results and conclusions.
    The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 25 February 2022 (abstracts received after this date will not be considered). The Scientific Committee will evaluate the abstracts, informing the authors of the selected papers by 5 March 2022.
    In order to be included in the programme, book of communications and finally admitted for exhibition at the Convention, the first signatory must be registered at the congress before 5 March 2022.
Oral presentations

    The presentation of oral communications may be made in Spanish or Portuguese, provided that the abstract and slides are in Spanish.
    The presentation time will be 8 minutes with a maximum of 25 slides, one of which will be a cover slide. The first slide will show: Title, authors, work centre, etc.
    Videos can be included, ensuring that they work.
    Delivery of the presentation in support the day before the exhibition.
     Personal computers will not be allowed to be used and will be connected before the exhibition.
    The elimination and non-dissemination of the presentations once they have been presented is guaranteed.


    The poster presentation will last a maximum of 3 minutes and 2 minutes of exposition.
    (If it is prolonged beyond this time, the President has the right to interrupt the exhibition).
    The poster image may be supported by a short presentation with a maximum of 5 supporting slides.
    They will also be presented with a slide of the whole content of the poster and in digital support size A0 (0.841m wide x 1.189m high) in vertical format.
     cm. to be placed in the room provided for this purpose at the Convention venue.
    It will include:
    -Title, authors and place of work.
    -Introduction, material and methods, results, discussion and conclusions and a maximum of five bibliographical citations.

In order to be included in the programme, book of communications and finally admitted for exhibition at the Convention, the first signatory must be registered with the registration fees paid before 15 September 2021.